A will to live

Although the mortality rate of orphaned kittens under 3 weeks old is as high as 40%, the health of the kitten definitely can increase that number.

That being said, when a kitten has a will to live, and an amazing support system, those odds of survival increase dramatically.

Kratos was removed from his mother immediately after birth, tossed in a bag and dumped in the trash. Cold, hungry and alone, he screamed until some kind hearted person dug him out and brought him to us.

Not having been with his mother longer than maybe a few minutes, umbilical cord still pink and raw, we knew his chances were low. But we did everything we knew how to do, and monitored him extra carefully.

If his start to life wasn’t bad enough, this little kitten was dealt blow after blow. Due to an injury sustained during his dumping, the tip of his tail became infected and necrotised. Because he has no immune system or antibodies to fight infection, it spread into his body and manifested in a giant abscess in his left leg. As soon as we could get him to our vet, we did what we could to alleviate and treat the infection. Due to his age, that meant to pain meds or antibiotics.

His poor little body was so busy fighting infection, that he struggled to gain weight. At 2 weeks old, he weighed less than a week old kitten should.

We knew his infection wasn’t clearing and he needed to get antibiotics, which our vet administered carefully and cautiously.

It was like a miracle: the infection started to reduce, his little leg regained movement slowly, and he suddenly started to gain weight at an amazing rate.

Now Kratos is almost 4 weeks old and he is doing amazingly, weighing in at 300g. This little fighter has overcome more in his short life than any cat should have to.

Everyone was rooting for him to overcome his injuries; us, our vet and his future mom. The love being poured into this little soul made a huge difference. We have faith he will continue to thrive and go on to become the prince he was destined to be.

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